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05 EMAP Support

Let us be about setting high standards for life, love, creativity, and wisdom. - Greg Anderson

Perses Consulting is one of eight EMAP Subscribed Business Consulting Firms in the country (at the time of writing) who has partnered with EMAP to ensure the services they provide to the public sector are addressing the EMAP Standards and process appropriately.

EMAP, fosters excellence and accountability in emergency management programs, by establishing credible standards applied in a peer review accreditation process.

The ANSI/EMAP 5-2022 Emergency Management Standard by EMAP is the set of 73 standards by which programs that apply for EMAP accreditation are evaluated. The Emergency Management Standard is designed as a tool for continuous improvement as part of the voluntary accreditation process for local, state, federal, higher education and tribal emergency management programs.

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