Perses Consulting is currently leading the creation of a comprehensive emergency management program for the City of Asheville, NC. Collaborating closely with the emergency management division managed through the Asheville Fire Department, Perses Consulting has supported the development of a robust planning, training, and exercise initiative to enhance the City’s overall preparedness and resilience. Throughout 2023, Perses Consulting has designed and developed multiple plans, trainings, and exercises that are actively shaping the emergency management landscape in the City. This work began with the development of a Citywide Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) and Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan. Through the development of these plans, we have hosted multiple workshops, trainings, and exercises in order to maximize whole community engagement. All of this work will culminate in our team’s facilitation of the upcoming Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop (IPPW) with City stakeholders and leaders. Upon identifying the preparedness priorities through the Workshop our team will develop the Integrated Preparedness Plan (IPP) and provide project management, planning, training, and exercise support for the POETE elements identified in the Plan. Current and anticipated planning, training and exercise tasks include:
Emergency Operations Plan, including:
Citywide EOP Base Plan
19 Department-Specific EOP Annexes
7 Hazard-Specific Annexes
Continuity of Operations (COOP) Plan
COOP Base Plan
9 Functional Annexes
19 Department-Specific COOP Annexes
Elected Officials Emergency Operation Guide
Emergency Operations Center (EOC) Manual
2023 Integrated Preparedness Planning
Community Engagement Public Survey
Community Engagement and Business Engagement Event Support
Private-Sector Coordinating Organization Engagement
Four (4) City Stakeholder Workshops
Online EOP101 Training
Online COOP101 Training
Just-in-time EOP/EOC Training
Online EOC Training
Severe Winter Storm EOP TTX
Citywide Impacting COOP Vignettes TTX
Department Flood TTX
Civil Disturbance TTX
City Hall Fire Cyber Destruction TTX
EOC-EOP-COOP Functional Exercise
2023 Integrated Preparedness Planning Workshop
